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    1. Product Launch: actiCAP slim and actiCAP snap – The next generation active electrode system

      Date Posted:2017-12-05 Writer:Hanix

      Since the release in 2005, the actiCAP has been widely adopted. Active electrodes have become the gold standard in research EEG – at least for applications where data quality is critical. The possibility to perform recordings at higher impedances using the active circuitry and the LED impedance feedback are features that our customers do not want to miss anymore.

      With the new  actiCAP slim electrode, our engineers managed to fit all the features of the original actiCAP electrode in a new form factor that is three times thinner. You can read  more about the actiCAP slim in our previous newsletter issue.

      Now we are releasing the actiCAP snap electrode holder: a compatible, easy-to-use holder that further enhances usability and gives you the flexibility to mix and match actiCAP slim electrodes with caps sizes and cap electrode arrangements.

      We listened to our users experiences and made the handling of the actiCAP snap electrode holder much easier. The insertion and removal of the actiCAP slim electrodes work with just a “snap” and a minimum amount of force. Nevertheless, the manufacturing precision still provides firm hold, also in mobile environments.

      The different holder colors speed up your initial setup and prevents electrode placement errors. Finally, the flexibility of using a single electrode bundle with different caps or combining multiple bundles for one high-density electrode arrangement are features that became important to our usres.

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