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    1. VTS Psychological assessment

      The SCHUHFRIED company, founded in 1947 as a family business, has more than 65 years' experience behind it. SCHUHFRIED was the first company in the world to develop a psychological test system: the Vienna Test System (VTS). What began in the 1950s with a test device designed to assess fitness to drive has now grown into a software package containing 120 different computerized psychological tests (intelligence tests and intelligence test batteries, Special ability tests, objective personality tests, special personality tests and personality structure inventories, attitude and interest tests, clinical tests (questionnaire)) and optional accessories (hardware to measure psychomotor functions, sensorimotor functions, etc.). With more than 13 million tests conducted annually worldwide, the Vienna Test System (VTS) is the leading tool for psychological assessment.

      奉节县| 海城市| 中超| 讷河市| 乡宁县| 汕头市| 西乌珠穆沁旗| 舟山市| 洱源县| 江津市| 安仁县| 南宁市| 望城县| 江山市| 嘉荫县| 恭城| 清苑县| 盐津县| 阳西县| 徐汇区| 潼关县| 砀山县| 长宁县| 兴国县| 茂名市| 柞水县| 康保县| 元江| 淄博市| 合肥市| 汝南县| 华容县| 苏尼特左旗| 灌云县| 武安市| 高要市| 祁门县| 罗江县| 阿拉善左旗| 清远市| 彭州市|