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    1. LiveAmp

      Manufacturer:Brain Products GmbH/Brand:Brain Products/Model:LiveAmp

      LiveAmp is an ultra-lightweight, wearable amplifier. As it is wireless and allows you to store the data internally (exchangeable memory card), there are no mobility limitations. LiveAmp is easy and intuitive to use and extremely compact. Its technical specifications leave nothing to be desired and translate into outstanding signal quality.

      • Wireless: LiveAmp is a based wireless EEG System that can easily connect to any Windows? based recording computer.
      • Ultra lightweight & compact: The whole amplifier incl. battery weighs less than 60 grams with dimensions of 80mm x 50mm x 10mm.
      • Outstanding signal quality: LiveAmp’s recording characteristics are comparable to high-end laboratory EEG systems; 24 bit A/D conversion, a sampling rate of up to 1kHz at a noise level of less than 2 μV pp with CMRR higher than 110 dB.
      • Flexibility: LiveAmp can be combined with any of the Brain Products electrode systems; you can use passive/active/dry electrodes. It can either be used as a 32ch referential EEG amplifier or you can set it up as a combined EEG bipolar amplifier (in this case you would have 24 referential EEG channels and 8 bipolar channels). Furthermore it comes with a built in 3-axis accelerometer.
      • Expandability: LiveAmp can be expanded with a Sensor and Trigger extension (coming soon) that offers 8 Trigger In / 8 Trigger Out ports and connection possibilities for up to 8 sensors.
      • Independence and Liberty: LiveAmp has the possibility to store recorded data internally, to the hard disk of the recording computer or to both. It offers the possibility to record data for more than 10 hours without interruption. This gives you the potential to record high quality data virtually anywhere, and under any circumstance, by having your subject wear a cap and carry a device that is less than half the weight of an iPhone 6.

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