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    1. VTS Psychological assessment

      Manufacturer:Austria SCHUHFRIED /Brand:VTS/Model:VTS

      The SCHUHFRIED company, founded in 1947 as a family business, has more than 65 years' experience behind it. SCHUHFRIED was the first company in the world to develop a psychological test system: the Vienna Test System (VTS). What began in the 1950s with a test device designed to assess fitness to drive has now grown into a software package containing 120 different computerized psychological tests (intelligence tests and intelligence test batteries, Special ability tests, objective personality tests, special personality tests and personality structure inventories, attitude and interest tests, clinical tests (questionnaire)) and optional accessories (hardware to measure psychomotor functions, sensorimotor functions, etc.). With more than 13 million tests conducted annually worldwide, the Vienna Test System (VTS) is the leading tool for psychological assessment.


      •  There are four special versions of the Vienna Test System (VTS) produced for the application areas of HR, Neuro, Traffic and Sport. Each of these specialized Vienna Test Systems includes a dimensions list and test directory specifically tailored to the particular field of use. They also contain a number of “test sets”.
      •  SCHUHFRIED develops and produces accessories that can be used to assess particular skills such as sensorimotor. functions, psychomotor skills, CNS activation (arousal) and peripheral perception in combination with an ability test. These special ergonomic input devices include: Light pen, Response panels, MLS Work Panel, Flicker tube, Peripheral Perception devices. 
      •  Adaptive Tests. The difficulty of the test can be adjusted automatically according to the ability of the participants in the testing process .
      •  Tests can be freely combined as required in order to provide the best set of tests for your particular purpose.
      •  Powerful database manage function. Outputting many kinds of data, like SPSS、ASCⅡ and so on.
      •  Optional automatic ranking function, suitable for the field of selecting talents.
      •  Seamless compatible with cognitive ability training system, realizes a perfect circle of diagnosis-treatment-evaluation .

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