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    1. Biofeedback X-pert

      Manufacturer:Austria SCHUHFRIED /Brand:BFB/Model:BFB

      Biofeedback 2000x-pert is the innovative wireless biofeedback system from SCHUHFRIED. All relevant physiological parameters can be measured and displayed, including respiration, skin conductance, temperature, heart rate variability, pulse and motility. It can be used in health management, children with ADHS, relaxation, psychotherapy, pain & psychosomatic symptoms, rehabilitation and assessment. Acquire just the modules that you need.


      • User-friendly, easy-to-use software.
      • Modular design of software and hardware.
      • Transfer of readings via wireless technology (Bluetooth?) by means of small, lightweight radio modules worn directly on the body.
      • Complete freedom of movement during measurement.
      • Highly sensitive sensors with high stability against artifacts.
      • Measurable parameters include: EEG , EMG, heart rate variability, 3 axis acceleration, skin resistance, skin temperature, pulse, RESP and so on.
      • A variety of training schemes are optional.

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