
    <dl id="0a3lz"><strong id="0a3lz"><form id="0a3lz"></form></strong></dl>
    1. Pluto


      The h/p/cosmos treadmill ergometer pluto can be used in the field of Fitness very well. It is very low maintenance and provides the runner or patient a comfortable run with it′s advanced construction.

      The pluto treadmill is virtually indestructible with its sturdy frame. It is very low maintenance and provides the runner or patient a comfortable run with it′s advanced construction. The pluto running machine is distinguished by its smooth running, various functions, strong drive-engine and the timeless design.

      Numerous additional options.

      You can customize the pluto treadmill to your field of application – whether rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary diagnostics for patients or fi tness – with the numerous additional options such as heart rate monitor, pediatric handrail, safety arch with fall stop, arm support, robowalk expander, etc.

      津南区| 汾西县| 庆元县| 沁阳市| 安顺市| 安顺市| 天等县| 九江市| 顺义区| 武陟县| 涿州市| 乐山市| 江川县| 德格县| 湖北省| 安平县| 乌拉特前旗| 曲阜市| 永靖县| 栾川县| 迁安市| 来安县| 开封县| 察哈| 新田县| 沙田区| 高要市| 汉沽区| 龙泉市| 浦北县| 景宁| 兴和县| 前郭尔| 郸城县| 沈阳市| 定州市| 马尔康县| 信阳市| 乳源| 两当县| 铜山县|