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    1. Mercury


      The Mercury makes it possible under certain assumptions to determine the approximately max. cardio respiratory efficiency (VO2 max) and therefore the physical condition of the subject. The Mercury is perfectly suitable as a fitness check for fitness clubs or for athletes at schools for example.

      The Mercury makes it possible under certain assumptions to determine the approximately max. cardio respiratory efficiency (VO2 max) and therefore the physical condition of the subject. The Mercury is perfectly suitable as a fitness check for fitness clubs or for athletes at schools for example. On the basis of this result a Fitness-Index is calculated with the help of a complex formula taking age, height, weight, test duration and Heart-Rate into consideration, which tells us whether the physical condition of the subject is above or below average. The value of 100 as the average serves as the base. If somebody's index-value is 90 then his physical condition is slightly below average. An index-value of 110 on the other hand would be above average.

      太原市| 托克逊县| 澄江县| 嘉定区| 聂荣县| 阿巴嘎旗| 莱州市| 连城县| 湖南省| 洱源县| 蓬莱市| 东乡族自治县| 马山县| 涞水县| 利川市| 工布江达县| 陆川县| 城口县| 大庆市| 当阳市| 饶平县| 门头沟区| 隆林| 四会市| 克山县| 吉首市| 浦北县| 萍乡市| 福鼎市| 姜堰市| 七台河市| 安庆市| 南康市| 阿拉善右旗| 塘沽区| 黑水县| 区。| 精河县| 乐都县| 元江| 剑川县|