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    1. Locomotion

      Manufacturer:h/p/cosmos /Brand:h/p/cosmos /Model:Locomotion 150/50

      Early start of therapy with the h/p/cosmos locomotion treadmill system with body weight support. h/p/cosmos has equipped the system with an ergonomic wheelchair ramp. Furthermore the handrails contain telescopic extensions which can be pulled out 55 cm (21.65“) to give additional support to the patients. They can assist and hold the handrails in many cases even during entering the treadmill on the ramp. And most patients are happy to help if we give them such tools.

      In neurological rehabilitation it is important for the patient to start exercising as early as possible. Therefore an individual and optimal un-weighting system is crucial for the patient. The h/p/cosmos airwalk un-weighting system supports a natural gait pattern. The single-point suspension allows dynamic up and down movement when walking and at the same time allows freedom in movement and body rotations where wanted. Additional fixation straps for further stabilization may be utilized if desired and if recommended for the patient. The un-weighting, depending on the progress of therapy, can be adjusted electronically between 1 kg and 75 kg (2.2 and 165 lbs). The treadmill itself starts at 0.1 km/h speed and is driven by a very powerful 3.3 kW (4.5 HP) drive motor. Even heavy patients at low speeds can exercise smoothly without juddering.

      商洛市| 张掖市| 桂阳县| 扶余县| 新兴县| 南丹县| 祁门县| 拉萨市| 翁牛特旗| 桐梓县| 新田县| 福海县| 镇远县| 稻城县| 汉寿县| 金沙县| 开原市| 通辽市| 新余市| 宁阳县| 韶关市| 星座| 永靖县| 临漳县| 宾川县| 北流市| 宁都县| 稻城县| 兴海县| 灵宝市| 田阳县| 开封县| 罗田县| 西盟| 阳新县| 新乐市| 黄冈市| 香格里拉县| 德江县| 彭山县| 呈贡县|