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    1. Cyclus2 eccentric

      Manufacturer:RBM elektronik-automatio/Brand:RBM elektronik-automatio/Model:Cyclus2 eccentric

      For more than 40 years sports scientists, sports physicians, coaches and elite athletes have relied on the innovative strength of the Cyclus2 ergometer for performance analysis and training. Whether as ergometer for standardized tests or as an all-year-round training device for the development of sports specific qualities, such as aerobic power, sprint power or maximal cadence – the Cyclus2 sets the upper benchmark for ergometers in the world of cycling. Packed with state-of-the art electronic- and information technology, the Cyclus2 ergometer provides excellent, accurate and reliable results whilst providing the highest level of functionality, variability and user-friendliness. Find out here about the outstanding and unique qualities of the Cyclus2 high performance ergometer!

      Eccentric exercise training is widely known to initiate muscular hypertrophy and consequent eccentric strength gains. Moreover a number of recent studies (Gerber et al. 2007; LaStayo et al. 2000 and Gross et al., 2010; Leong et al. 2013) have demonstrated that eccentric cycling training can cause significant hypertrophy in the active muscle. In particular Leong et al. (2013) found a significantly increased maximum cycling power following an 8-week eccentric cycling training intervention. These outstanding results but also consistent requests from customers caused RBM elektronik-automation GmbH to develop an eccentric high performance cycling ergometer. We are therefore proud to announce the first commercially available eccentric cycling ergometer which can now be used for research, training and testing.

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