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    1. Robowalk

      Manufacturer:h/p/cosmos /Brand:h/p/cosmos /Model:Robowalk

      First, elastic cables are attached to patient′s legs with comfortable leg cuffs. As the patient walks on the treadmill, the cables at the front assist the movement of the legs with support. The cables at the rear can be used also for rehabilitation on the treadmill - as resistance and for gait correction training. Both the front and back system can be utilized together for even greater training effects on the treadmill. By adjusting the angle of the support/resistance cables either vertically or horizontally, movement correction is possible. The patented tension adjustment module involves readable scales on each cable for tension monitoring.

      Benefits of  robowalk :

      applicable for fitness as well as for orthopaedic and neurological problems space-saving resistance trainer, light weight, without weight stack plates.

      vertically or horizontally mountable and adjustable.

      the resistance is much more constant and has less progressive force curvesover the entire range of motion compared to most other expander systems very quiet & low maintenance, because there are no weight plates no force changes at the top and bottom dead center (reversal point) because no kinetic energy compared to cable exercise devices with weight stack plates up to 4 cables with up to maximum 50 Newton (ca. 5 kg) each.

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