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    1. ergoselect 600

      Manufacturer:ergoline GmbH/Brand:ergoline/Model:ergoselect 600

      Ergoline is an owner operated German company with headquarters in Bitz (Baden-Württemberg). For more than 30 years, ergoline has been one of the leading providers in the medical field of high-quality, durable ergometers and systems for cardiological rehabilitation. More than 40,000 ergoline ergometers are currently in use in physicians' practices, clinics, sports medicine centers and rehabilitation facilities world-wide. Today, ergoline is seen as a modern, innovative company that has grown into an international supplier in over 30 countries.

      Constructed and approved for a patient weight of up to 300 kg, the ergoselect 600 makes it possible to conduct exercise tests and cardiovascular training, including with morbidly obese patients. The ergoline recumbent ergometer is also the right exercise and training unit for elderly or disabled patients. Details such as the 3-way adjustable backrest, special pedal shoes with adjustable pedal spacing and additional cushions that increase the distance between the pedal axis and seat surface enable optimal adjustment to every individual patient.

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